CBSE Board Exams 2024-25: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) has commenced the submission of the List of Candidates(LOC) for Classes 10th and 12th. The submission of LOC will be done through the Pariksha Sangam link given on the official website of the Board at It is to be noted that the submission of the LOC is mandatory and should be submitted within the stipulated time.
Only those students shall be allowed to appear for Class 10th and 12th board examinations in session 2024-25 whose names will be submitted through the online process of submission of LOC. Furthermore, the board has stated that all schools need to ensure that byelaws/rules of the CBSE are being followed in letter and spirit for submission of the List of Candidates, availability of classrooms, and the teachers. In a section 40 students are allowed and the section teachers ratio is 1: 1.5. Further, the number of sections cannot exceed the number permitted by the Board.
“However, section strength up to 45 students per section has been permitted by the Board for three years only (2024, 2025 & 2026) on account of (i) transfer of the parents from one station to another and the students are likely to join in a class in mid-session and (ii) students who fall under essential repeat (ER) category. However, these exceptions shall be available on a case-to-case basis. (Refer to Circular no. CBSE/AFF/Circular/135755/2024/310 dated 31.05.2024 web-link:,” reads the official notice.