8 Brilliant Tools for Designing and Developing Your Website

The design of the website is changing. Although some constants still exist, such as the need for relevant, timely, and engaging content. Other elements that continue to appear may increase the impact on your website.

Some of these elements help tell the story and explain the essence of the company. Some help immediately attracts the user’s attention and improve the experience on any device. You don’t have to use all elements at the same time (this can lead to confusion and confusion). You can choose a specific element that suits your brand, or website goals will have an overall impact. It can be enhanced.

In order to focus and find the best elements for your website, we are categorizing the most important Tools for Developing Your Website. You can use these tools for designing your website and performance.

8 Brilliant Tools for Designing & Developing Your Website

1- Unique typography

Most companies have specific fonts or typography. Their customers use these fonts or typography to make it instantly recognizable. So it can be compared to competitors. In recent years, designers can use more fonts. It enables companies to accurately represent their brands through typography.

Typography is a tool for designing your website that makes every page of your website uniform. You can take help from website design services. For example, the New Yorker website directs visitors based on typography and font size from one section to another.

When creating a company brand, your typographic choices can provide you with subtle hints about what you represent. Is your business interesting or serious? Functional or informative? No matter which font you choose, make sure that the designer considers browser-wide and computer-wide applicability. Choosing fonts that are not supported by common browsers and computers will make your website look unsightly on various devices.

2- Attractive and responsive hero image

You don’t have to go beyond the popular publishing site Medium to see examples of great heroes. It is amongst the best Tools for Developing Your Website. And are also used for designing your website.

Such images abolish the concept of top and bottom creases but provide a single perspective. Medium has created a powerful visual experience that encourages you to scroll down to read more. You can click on images with text instead of CTA or social buttons.

Hero images are usually placed in the background, with text and other content layered on top. No matter which method you use, large images allow you to tell the story intuitively without relying on text alone.

3- Background video

Videos that play automatically in the background may be very attractive to the page. It is amongst very useful tools for designing your website. They can be used to tell stories and significantly reduce other content needed to describe your business.

Take the Wistia website as an example. When you visit their homepage, the big video will automatically start playing in the background. You can get a deeper understanding of the company by clicking the play button.

4- Semi-flat design

Simply put, flat design is amongst the tools for designing your website. It gives three-dimensional perception, such as shadows. The flat design is not only easy for users to understand. It can also be quickly loaded on your website without complicated or overly-technical elements.

Many organizations, large and small, are shifting from realistic materialization to flat design. However, companies like Uber add their own style to the style by adding subtle shadows and dimensions.

You can see in the image below since the surrounding shadows are not excessive, the graphic elements have a sense of depth.

The flat design helps visitors understand the content faster and can make the content come alive by adding deeper elements, whether you use graphic design to completely design your website or use shadows and other elements. It is important to be consistent on your website. Make sure that your homepage, product pages, and other major parts of your website all use the same design queue. It will help your visitors can immediately understand what they are viewing.

5- Hamburger menu

Most websites have a long menu of options to choose from. The advantage of this is that the menu can directly take visitors to where they want to go. It is amongst good tools for designing your website. The disadvantage is that they usually take up a lot of valuable screen space. Hidden menus or hamburger menus change this. This concise menu saves space and facilitates intuitive navigation for users.

Website pages need a clear path for users to follow. Removing busy navigation will make your experience cleaner and less distracting. This increases the likelihood that the user will find the information needed to complete the required operation.

6- High-quality product image

Many B2B websites have started to display large product images on their websites. So that they can highlight different functions and parts of the product, but this is no coincidence. Image is amongst excellent tools for designing your website.

The images are also responsive, as described above. It is designed to provide the best experience for viewers from various devices.

High-quality product images assist designers to highlight different features of their products in a more efficient and effective way. This method provides an opportunity to highlight the most valuable parts. It enhances the advantages of the function.

These large images are also suitable for scanning. They communicate through images rather than text. It helps visitors to gain insight into the role of different product features.

7- Card Design

A separate card helps distribute information visually so that visitors can easily consume bite-sized content without being overwhelmed.

Card design is becoming very popular in tools for designing your website. It helps provide users with a lot of easy-to-understand information. Using this design on your website helps to highlight multiple products and solutions side by side.

Please note that the card must be responsive. It means that as the screen size gets smaller and smaller, the number and size of the cards displayed need to be adjusted accordingly.

8- Featured Videos

In addition to videos, short product or feature videos that can highlight specific use cases are also popular. These short videos are great tools for designing your website. They don’t leave visitors overwhelmed by the long experience of having to sit down.


Website is essential to give an authentic company look your business, some brilliant tool. Make sure your website has appealing and unique typography with an attractive and responsive hero image. Featured videos and background videos are also important as they make the website attractive, plus high-quality product image otherwise video might be hated. And never to forget hamburger menu so that your customer care irritated.

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