When is an Angiogram needed?

An angiogram, often known as an angiography, is a type of X-ray used to examine the functioning of blood veins in the body of a patient. Angiogram is an X-ray test that employs a special dye and camera to take photographs of the blood flow in an artery or vein because blood vessels do not show up well on a regular X-ray. Contrast is a particular dye that contains iodine and makes it visible under X-ray. An angiography is a procedure that examines the veins and arteries of the head, arms, legs, back, chest, and belly.

In general terms, an angiography is a procedure that examines the function of a patient’s blood arteries and the flow of blood through them. This enables the doctor to detect any abnormalities with the patient’s blood vessels. The following conditions can benefit from an angiogram for diagnosis and treatment:

An angiography is a procedure that allows a clinician to evaluate blood vessels and changes in the vascular system in practically any portion of the body. It can aid in the detection of heart disease, stroke, and other vascular issues.

Atherosclerosis is a disorder in which blood arteries narrow, making the patient vulnerable to stroke or heart attack.

Peripheral arterial disease is a condition in which the blood flow to the legs and muscles is reduced.

Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot or obstruction in an artery supplying your lungs.

A brain aneurysm is a protrusion in a blood vessel in the patient’s brain.

An obstruction in the kidneys’ blood flow.

Angina is chest pain caused by a lack of blood supply to the heart muscles.

An angiogram can be helpful in identifying various cardiovascular diseases, like:

  • coronary atherosclerosis
  • vascular stenosis
  • aneurysms

What Happens During an Angiogram?

Angiogram is performed in the X-ray or radiology department of a hospital. PCI Treatment In Coimbatore is performed after the angiogram.

For the Exam:

You’ll most likely be conscious, although you may be given anesthesia to help you relax.

A small cut (incision) is made over one of your arteries, usually near your groin or wrist, and a very thin flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into the artery. Local anesthetic is utilized to numb the area where the incision is made.

The catheter is carefully directed to the examination area (such as the heart)

A dye (contrast medium) is injected into the catheter, and as the dye runs through your blood vessels, a series of X-rays are taken.

The test can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete. You are generally able to return home after a few hours of the procedure.

During the Procedure:

A doctor may prescribe a small anesthesia to assist the person rest before the test. It will not make you unconscious.

After that, the doctor will sterilize and numb the part of the body where the catheter will be inserted.

The catheter will be inserted into an artery by a tiny cut in the skin.

The doctor will carefully route the catheter to the blood vessel they wish to check after it is inside the artery. The contrast dye will be injected through the catheter, and X-ray images of the blood vessel will be taken. When the doctor injects the contrast dye, the patient may experience a small burning sensation.

After the Angiogram Procedure:

For 4 to 6 hours, you will be observed. The radiology nurse will go through at-home instructions with you at that time. These instructions will be sent to you in written form. Please follow these instructions at home. You can reach out to CT Heart Angiogram in Coimbatore for further diagnosis and treatment in case of any health issue.

Before you are released, a radiologist will examine you. The findings of the tests will then be discussed with you by your physician.

Recovery at Home:

At Home, while Recovering:

Rest for the rest of the day – if you have any problems, it’s a good idea to have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours.

As soon as you feel ready, eat and drink – Drinking plenty of water can help flush the contrast dye out faster. You can normally return to most routine activities the next day, though you may need to avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise for a few days.

How Safe is Angiogram?

An angiography is largely a safe medical imaging procedure with few significant consequences. Because it involves injecting dye into the bodily portion to be inspected using a catheter, there may be bleeding from the location where the catheter was inserted. A collection of blood under the skin may form in the patient.

This can be unpleasant, but it usually subsides after a few days. An angiography is generally safe for the elderly if the doctor recommends it. However, if you have any concerns, you should contact a specialist at a nearby Multispeciality Hospital in Coimbatore. It’s important to remember that the angiography report should be discussed with the doctor who referred the patient.

Is the Procedure Painful?

An angiogram is generally painless. To numb the area, a doctor may administer local anesthetic. Some folks may require anesthesia to remain relaxed. Pain relievers are usually helpful if there is any discomfort.

When the doctor inserts the catheter, some people feel a tiny pressure. As the contrast dye reaches the area, patients may experience some discomfort in the chest. Nausea and the need to urinate are additional possible side effects.

An angiography is a diagnostic imaging procedure that is used to detect abnormalities in the body’s blood vessels. Before getting an angiography, discuss any concerns you may have with your Angiogram Specialist in Coimbatore.

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