Scientists warn these eco-friendly habits can harm our health

Most of us want to do our bit to reduce our environmental footprint, whether that involves using a bag for life, taking a travel cup to coffee shops or doing our laundry at a lower temperature. But according to the experts, some of these sustainable practices, while brilliant for the planet, could actually be harming … Read more

‘I’m a gastroenterologist – eating these five breakfast foods won’t cause bloating’

Around 25 percent of healthy people will experience bloating at some point. While the uncomfortable problem is usually caused by a build-up of gas in the gut, it can also be triggered by digestive issues such as constipation or food intolerances. Fortunately, five breakfast foods could help avoid general bloating problems that are not caused … Read more

‘I’m a 61-year-old bikini-wearing granny – these exercises will keep you fit’

A fitness coach, who helps women in their 50s and 60s to stay fit and healthy, has revealed simple at-home exercises to make part of your routine. The 61-year-old bikini-wearing granny believes that “you’re never too old and it’s never too late to start” your fitness journey. Jacqueline Hooton, the mum-of-five and granny-of-three, practices exercises … Read more

‘I’m a nutritionist – here are three fruits everyone should be eating’

Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fruits are one of the cornerstones of a healthy diet. Whether you are not a big fan of the sweet and fresh foods or they just don’t make it to your shopping list, a nutritionist has revealed three essential fruits everyone needs to be eating. Roxana De Sousa, head … Read more

Optometrist reveals 30p pill could help you protect your eyesight in your 60s

Targeting over 700,000 people, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the biggest causes of sight loss in the UK, according to the Macular Society.  The condition that causes dark spots in your vision and difficulty adjusting to light mainly targets those over 55. While there is currently no known cure for AMD, certain nutrients … Read more

‘I’m a nutritionist – eat these three nutritionally-packed foods to supercharge your diet’

A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy life, making five-a-day a crucial target for everyone. While any type of fruit is good and essential for a healthier diet, certain options can give you much better mileage when it comes to maximising your nutrient intake, according to a nutritionist. Fortunately, James Vickers, Nutrition Lead … Read more

‘I’m a fitness expert – do these 5 exercises to tone your wobbly thighs’

A fitness expert has revealed five simple at-home exercises that could tighten your thighs. Petra Genco, known on TikTok for helping +200,000 ladies start losing weight, revealed the five movements that could tone your legs. Taking to the social media, she said: “Older ladies, have your thighs gone wobbly? Then do these five exercises three … Read more

Incredible map shows world’s ‘fattest countries’ – tiny island the most obese

The world’s fattest countries have been ranked in a new interactive map. Drawing on data from 195 countries across the world, the map, published by Our World in Data, shows the huge disparity in obesity rates. Including data from 128.9 million people, the figures come from the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration which recorded worldwide trends … Read more

Four popular medicines could boost your life expectancy, according to new study

Four commonly used medicines could boost your life expectancy, new research suggests. The 12-year-long study, which has been recently published, looked at Viagra, hormone replacement therapy, statins and painkillers. While the idea that prescription medicine may prolong life is not entirely new, examining specific details on how the individual medications can impact your health together is.  … Read more

‘I tried a simple sleeping hack – and I had one of the best sleeps in weeks’

Over recent years, research has cemented sleep as one of the most important aspects of our health. Something as simple as how you sleep can influence your risk of major health problems, ranging from cardiovascular diseases to dementia. But shut-eye also plays a role in your cognitive function, hormone regulation and quite frankly, the day … Read more